Our services

Industrial & Corporate Security
In this segment Our Security Services plays an important role in controlling violations, maintaining discipline in the workplace, and ensuring rules and regulations are being followed. They can take disciplinary action against violators and individuals misbehaving.

College, Banks & Commercial Security
Our Services at school & colleges are known to ensure the campus’ safety. We maintain the safety and peacefulness of the school’s, colleges environment as violence at school could result in hindering the growth or progress of the students and could as well affect their.
At the commercial places New Star Security services provide a sense of security to the employees, customers and almost everyone involved in your business. Customers and employees will feel safe as they know you care about their safety as well. If your business is located in a high-risk area the need for security services is even more.

Event Managment
Having a security Serveces that unwanted people will not be able to enter your event and spoil it. Events on a medium or large scale can get out of hand in certain situations. Therefore, having a security team at work would help in having better crowd control. Your guests will feel valued and at ease.
Why New Star Security Services
Your customers just learned what services you offer. Tell them why they should work with you or your team, for example you could highlight your experience and positive client reviews.
The badges illustrate this. We also focus on key benefits they will get while using our services, namely quick turnaround times and dedicated support. You could also use them to show awards you won for your best work.